Do you seek for 'homework definition'? Here you can find questions and answers about the issue.
Homework(Education) school work cooked out of lessons, esp at home(Education) any preparatory study(Industrial Relations & Hour Terms) work cooked at home for pay
Table of contents
- Homework definition in 2021
- Homework vs no homework facts
- Homework definition meme
- Do my homework assignment
- Definition of homework by authors
- When was homework invented
- How to pronounce homework
- Homework synonym
Homework definition in 2021

Homework vs no homework facts

Homework definition meme

Do my homework assignment

Definition of homework by authors

When was homework invented

How to pronounce homework

Homework synonym

Which is the best definition of homework assignment?
1. schoolwork assigned to be done outside the classroom. 2. thorough preparatory study of a subject: to do one's homework for the next committee meeting.
Which is the best definition of home work?
home·work 1 Work, such as schoolwork or piecework, that is done at home. 2 Preparatory or preliminary work: did their homework before coming to the meeting. More ...
When do you have to do your homework?
You must do your homework before you can watch television. Preliminary or preparatory work, such as research. The speaker had certainly done his homework before delivering the lecture. Homework, or homework assignment, refers to tasks assigned to students by their teachers to be completed outside of class.
What is the definition of homework in school?
Homework is defined as 'tasks assigned to students by school teachers that are intended to be carried out during non-school hours' (Cooper, 2007, 4). Homework supports students learning of the subject matter (Cooper 2007; Cooper and Valentine, 2001).
Last Update: Oct 2021